Create A Princess Bedroom For Your Little Girl
Is this the first room you have decorated for your daughter? Whether you have a brand new baby girl or whether you are redecorating a bedroom, if you have chosen a princess theme, you are in for a lot of fun shopping. From selecting the furniture to buying wooden window blinds, here are some ideas that might help you to design a princess room that will delight your little girl and anybody else who sees the room.
The Furniture - Of course, if you have a tiny baby, you'll be starting with a baby crib. As you shop, consider choosing pale colors like off-white or pale yellow. The same holds true if you are shopping for a regular bed for an older little girl. Selecting soft colors doesn't mean that you can't add drama to the room. Accent those soft colors with things like a bright colored canopy on your little girl's bed. Visualize bright pink or lavender netting as the canopy, or use brightly colored ribbons to tie back an off-white canopy.
Consider selecting furniture that will grow with your little girl. For example, select a chest of drawers that has ample space for larger clothes and for things like tennis shoes and other sports clothing. Another great addition would be to choose a shelf that will hold things like a collection of princess dolls and other collectibles.
The Window Treatment - Wooden blinds would be a really good choice for your little girl's window treatment. Wooden window blinds are very affordable and so easy to install that you can probably do the job yourself. Another plus about buying window blinds is that they are super easy to care for. Simply dust them when you dust the other furniture in the room. As time goes by and they need additional cleaning, water with a mild cleanser will more than likely be all you need.
If you do choose wooden blinds, think of adding princess touches to the windows. For example, stencil things like flowers, crowns or even magical carriages above the windows. Another idea that will add princess interest to the room is to make a garland of artificial flowers to go over the top of the wooden window blinds.
If your little girl eventually wants a different look, the wooden window blinds will go with whatever style she selects. After all, your little princess might later decide that she adores sports and she might want a sport theme in her bedroom. For more information, contact companies like World Class Window Coverings.